How To Setup Savage Streams In Tivimate Print

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Tivimate is among the most popular apps in the industry. Please note that even though we do have a dedicated Savage Tivimate app, we do encourage you to use the Official Version of tivimate. The modded versions can be a bit buggy and it's always good to support the developers by purchasing the licenses. There is a free version which allows 1 playlist and only allows EPG Updating every 10 days, which will leave you guessing what's on a few days a week. The licenses are cheap ($5 / year or $19.99 / Lifetime) and they add a ton of great features to the app. 

You can install TiviMate on Android devices by searching it in the playstore. Amazon customers will need to side load using the Downloader app. First on your Amazon device, go to Settings > Device > Developer Options > Turn “Apps from Unknown Sources” ON. Now we can proceed to open Downloader.

In Downloader enter the short code 305252 in the bar with "http://" in it and click "Go." From there follow the on screen instructions to complete installation, then click delete when back in Downloader. This will remove the installation file, not the app. 

Now that we have TiviMate Installed let's add our Savage Playlist to it. 

1. Open TiviMate and Click "Add Playlist."

2. Click "Xtream Codes."

3. In the "Server Address" field enter (Note, sometimes tivimate likes to prank you by adding a space after the period; You must remove it for the url to work)

4. Next you need to decide if you want VOD added to your playlist. I personally will not be adding it as its too much content for Tivimate and makes the loading slower and looks pretty clunky. There are better apps out there for VOD like Savage 3.1.


5. You can choose to rename your playlist if you want to. I am leaving it as default name ""

6. Once you start loading the playlist it may seem like the app is stuck. Don't worry, it's just loading the playlist and EPG. This may take a minute or two. I like to go through all the settings and customize the app how I like it. You can increase or decrease font size, change the theme color, edit your controls, create groups, hide channels, and much more (premium or cracked versions only). To get to settings hold down the select button on your remote or click back on your remote twice. 

7. If you don't see any channels on your screen it's because you are in the favorites section by default. Click the back button on your remote to pull up your categories. Then just click a channel to load it. 


All done! The only other thing you need to know is that you need to customize controls in order to use TV Catchup. It is recommended to set your EPG Settings to hold only 3 days at the most. With over 5000 EPG Channels you don't need to hold for 7 days. Once you map any button to TV Catchup just press it from the home screen to activate.

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